Sveriges Ingenjörer

Klarna signs a collective bargaining agreement with Engineers of Sweden

Engineers of Sweden has, together with Unionen, been jointly negotiating a collective bargaining agreement. Now it has been decided that Klarna will sign a collective bargaining agreement, meaning that the notice of industrial action will be called off.

After months of fruitless negotiations regarding a collective bargaining agreement, Engineers of Sweden and Unionen withdrew from the negotiations and on the 26th of October gave notice of industrial action at Klarna. The negotiations have since then been resumed with the help of mediators from the Swedish National Mediation Office, and now it has been decided that Klarna will move forward and sign a collective bargaining agreement.

– We welcome Klarna into the Swedish Model and look forward to a good collaboration. With a collective bargaining agreement in place, we strengthen the employees’ influence at Klarna while at the same time safeguarding employment conditions, says Camilla Frankelius, Head of Negotiations at Engineers of Sweden.

Today, Engineers of Sweden and Union have accepted the terms offered by the mediator and thereby the notice of industrial action at Klarna Bank AB has been called off.

Ulrika Lindstrand, President of Engineers of Sweden, and Camilla Frankelius, Head of Negotiations at Engineers of Sweden.

– Through the decision taken today by Klarna, Klarna manifests social responsibility and shows the way for other strong, Swedish tech companies, says Ulrika Lindstrand, President of Engineers of Sweden.

With the collective bargaining agreement that has now been signed, the employees at Klarna will, among other things, have the right to form a local union in the workplace, the right to be informed of decisions well in advance, and to be able to affect questions concerning, for instance, employment conditions, benefits and restructuring of the business. 

The collective bargaining agreement that the parties have agreed on will be with BAO (Bankinstitutens Arbetsgivareorganisation och Sveriges Ingenjörer/Akavia) and will start to apply on the 1st of January 2024.

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