On 1 October 2020, the Akademikernas a-kassa unemployment insurance fee will be from SEK 110/month to SEK 140/month. This new fee will be charged for the first time at the end of October. As a member of the fund, you do not need to do anything, as the fee will be deducted as usual by direct debit (autogiro) at the end of October.
For those of our members that pay your unemployment insurance fee by direct debit through the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers, we have a responsibility to inform you about changes to the fee. Even though the decision to raise the fee was not made by Sveriges Ingenjörer.
The reason why Akademikernas a-kassa needed to adjust the fee is higher costs when the daily allowance was increased from SEK 910 to SEK 1,200 in March to mitigate the economic consequences of the corona pandemic for individuals and society.
Many academics have chosen to join the unemployment insurance fund and it now has 748 000 members. The fee increase is a consequence of the fact that the majority of the unemployment insurance fund's unemployed members now receive a higher level of compensation, and that the fund therefore needs to pay in a higher amount as its contribution to the state's costs for unemployment insurance. The rest of the costs are financed by contributions from employers and the self-employed.
You can read more about Akademikernas decision here.
The unemployment insurance fund provides basic security in the event of unemployment. At Akademikernas a-kassa, you can continue to be a member of the same fund even if you change job or sector or if you switch between being an employee and running your own business. In addition, membership of Akademikernas a-kassa is required in order to be covered by the Sveriges Ingenjörer income insurance.
You can find out more about our income insurance here.
If you have any thoughts or questions about membership of Akademikernas a-kassa, you are welcome to call Akademikernas a-kassa at 08-412 33 00 on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
You can also see our FAQ here.
When you no longer need to be insured against unemployment, your membership must be terminated in writing. You can be a member of the unemployment insurance fund up to and including the month before you turn 65, when membership ends automatically. It is not possible to terminate your membership retroactively, and you need to pay the membership fee for the entire membership period.
A form for leaving the unemployment insurance fund can be found here.