Sveriges Ingenjörer

About Engineers of Sweden

We represent the country's most extensive network of graduate engineers and are part of Saco, (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations). With 180 000 members, Engineers of Sweden is a strong association with considerable capacity and resources that we utilise for the benefit of our members. 

Engineers of Sweden provides solid support for its members through advisory services before and during salary negotiations, redundancy, downsizing processes and reorganisations, as well as advice regarding career issues, studies and working abroad.

Support throughout your working life

Every young engineer sees the way forward as a straight line. This is a good thing. But the unexpected can happen to anyone: illness, disputes, organisational change or personal chemistry – something just does not work. If this happens, we provide the best help. 

We have well-educated elected representatives in workplaces, and a central office staffed with skilled officials and lawyers. All members have access to the expertise in the association advisory services provided by people with long experience and insight into the working conditions for, and the roles of, engineers in the labour market.

The protection provided by unemployment insurance funds is rarely enough for engineers. If members become involuntarily unemployed, our income insurance guarantees 80 percent of their salary up to SEK 100 000 per month.


Our members not only change jobs, but they also change to the right job - an even better one. For example, we offer support through career seminars in various forms, career coaching, CV review and salary statistics as tools for use in salary negotiations.

Collective agreements 

Collective agreements are the foundation of our working life. They provide a valuable safety net and fundamental rights for all employees. Everything is included in the collective agreement - salary supplements in case of illness or parental leave, holiday pay, overtime, etc. We place a high value on local negotiations as a point for the individual to start from and enter into agreements that allow engineers to influence their salaries, employment conditions and careers. 

Debate and opinion

Engineers of Sweden is active in shaping public opinion and discourse. We monitor the education, research and development sectors. Competence issues are extremely important in an increasingly globalised market. We educate public opinion on the importance of engineering and technology to society, for development and for standards. 

The main tasks of the central association 

  • To strengthen the competitive edge of graduate engineers, provide individual support to members and be their voice in the labour market. 
  • To lead work on the issue of educational quality for engineers. 
  • To assert the importance of technology, as well as graduate engineers, for prosperity and development. 

Part of Saco

Saco, the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations, brings together 700 000 graduates from 22 member associations - of which Engineers of Sweden is the largest. 

Through opinion building, in-house studies and as a referral body of good reputation Saco, with and for its member associationsworks to ensure that academic education pays, as well as dealing with income and labour market issues related to this group’s working conditions. 



Engineers of Sweden is a membership democracy. The union's highest decision-making body is its Executive Council, which meets annually.

Every four years, union members elect representatives to sit on the Executive Council. The Council, in turn, elects the Chair of the union, two deputy chairs and other members of the Association Board. The Executive Council also elects auditors and a nomination committee.

The Executive Council

The Council determines the association's statutes and electoral order, vision, goals, and policies.

The Council also decides on operational orientation, budget and membership fees as well as on proposals from members and from the Association Board. The Association Board appoints the Association Director who leads the work of the Association Central Office and executes the decisions of the Association Board.

The Executive Council consists of 95 members, including 14 engineering students.

All members and groups of members have the right to take up an issue in the Council by submitting a motion.

Read more about the Executive Council (Swedish).

The Association Board

The members of the Association Board are appointed by the Council. The Association Board appoints the Association Director, who leads the work of the Central Office.

Read more about the work of the Association Board (Swedish).

Local associations

There are local associations in workplaces. These elected representatives are appointed by the members of the local association. Where it is not possible to have a local association, one or two contacts may be appointed instead. Formally, contacts are appointed by the union.

Read more about the assignment as an elected representative (Swedish).


The union has 20 districts, distributed by county. The district is a non-profit organization within the union that serves all members locally and acts as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Here are our districts (Swedish).

Senast uppdaterad 2025-03-12
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