Sveriges Ingenjörer

Can you become a member of Engineers of Sweden?

We are Sweden's largest trade union for graduate engineers. Find out if you can become a member of Engineers of Sweden and how to switch union to us while retaining your qualifying period for income insurance. 

Who can become a member?

You are eligible to join Sveriges Ingenjörer if you have qualified as or are studying to be a:

  • Master of Science in Engineering at a Swedish higher education institution
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering at a Swedish higher education institution
  • Bachelor or Master of Science in Technology at a Swedish higher education institution

For those with other qualifications, you can become a professional member if you:

  • Have completed at least 165 higher education credits (110 credits in the pre-2007 system) within one of the educational fields above
  • Have a degree from a foreign higher education institution that corresponds to a Swedish qualification listed above
  • Have an academic technical-natural science degree of at least 180 higher education credits (120 credits in the pre-2007 system)

If you are unsure about whether your education entitles you to membership or if your qualification is not one of the options available in the application, you are always welcome to contact us. Full terms and conditions can be found in the Sveriges Ingenjörer statutes.

What does the membership cost?

We know that there many different things can happen during one's working life. You can therefore apply for a discounted membership fee, for example, or for an overseas membership. You can find information about all our membership fees in English here.

Why should I become a member?

We are here for you as an engineer. As a member, you get tools that will help you in your professional life - whether you want to enter the labour market, develop in your role or take the next step in your career. We sign collective bargaining agreements and of course also provide support for those who work in companies without a collective bargaining agreement.

The membership includes:

Income insurance

Which can provide 80% compensation for a gross monthly salary of up to SEK 100 000 for 150 days if you become unemployed involuntarily.

Legal support & guidance

You can get support and legal help regarding for example your salary, terms of employment and notice or termination.

CV & LinkedIn-profile review

As a member you can get an assement of your CV, cover letter and LinkedIn-profile free of charge.
Become a member

How do I switch to Sveriges Ingenjörer?

If you are already a member of another trade union and want to switch to Sveriges Ingenjörer, just follow the steps below. This is especially important if you have previously been covered by collective income insurance.

  1. Submit a membership application to us. You can become a member from the first day of the month in which the application is received by us. Apply for membership here.
  2. When you have received confirmation from us that you have become a member, contact your current trade union and request to leave. Should you not be able to leave your current association until some point in the future, contact us and we will ensure that you do not have to pay double membership fees.
  3. If you are not already a member of the Akademikernas a-kassa unemployment insurance fund, you either need to switch to that unemployment insurance fund or become a member. Read more and apply here.

If you have been covered by an income insurance in another association, that period can normally be credited towards the qualifying period for our income insurance, provided that there is no gap between joining Sveriges Ingenjörer and leaving your previous union.

As there are exceptions, we recommend that you contact Akademikernas inkomstförsäkring at Folksam at 0770-78 20 50 to confirm the specifics of your situation.

Under certain conditions, you can count insurance coverage periods in private income insurance as qualifying time for income insurance through Sveriges Ingenjörer and as qualifying time in our supplementary insurance.

Contact Akademikernas Inkomstförsäkring for more information: 0770-78 20 50.

If you continue to work after your 65th birthday, your membership fee will automatically be adjusted to SEK 204 per month at the end of the month that you turn 65, as you are no longer covered by our income insurance. Your membership status remains otherwise unchanged. Read more about your membership benefits.

Your engineering career starts during your studies. Your membership fee is invoiced annually.

If you are also a member of the Akademikernas a-kassa unemployment insurance fund, you can pay that membership fee (SEK 130 per month) through Sveriges Ingenjörer. Read more about the unemployment insurance fund.

Senast uppdaterad 2024-10-09
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