Sveriges Ingenjörer

Feedback on your LinkedIn profile

Recruiters use LinkedIn both to find and learn more about candidates. If you are looking for a job, LinkedIn is an excellent tool not only for presenting yourself, but also for finding out about interesting employers and for networking. Together with our partner Go Monday, we offer our members an annual review of their LinkedIn profile free of charge.


In order to benefit from our LinkedIn profile review offer to members you need to:

What you get

  • Professional advice based on experience and research
  • The most important tips for your individual profile
  • Assessment based on the job or type of job you are looking for
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of your profile

Assessment by an expert

As a member of Engineers of Sweden, you can receive help from a recruitment expert to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is as effective as possible. You will get advice on how to increase the impact of your profile and thus improve your chances of getting the job you want.

The review will be conducted online by Go Monday's job experts, who will respond within 24 hours. It will focus on making your profile both personal and formally correct in order to increase your chances of being contacted or to make a good impression during a recruitment process.

Our LinkedIn review is free of charge to members, (normal price SEK 349).

Tips from the expert

  • Be focused and relevant. How to customise your LinkedIn profile for the specific job you are looking for and emphasise what is important and relevant.
  • Increase your impact and reach. How to optimise your LinkedIn profile and your presence to be visible to more people and the right users.
  • Show results and build credibility. How to express who you are and what you can offer more effectively.
  • Write clearly and correctly. How to present yourself to ensure that you are communicating what you want to say.

Questions about membership benefits?

If you have any questions about any of the membership benefits, please feel free to contact us via our contact form.

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