Sveriges Ingenjörer

We are here to help you

Do you need support and advice or negotiation assistance? Do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help. We are available by email and phone for both members and local union representatives.


If your enquiry is urgent, please call us rather than email. 

Please use our contact form

Phone: 08-613 80 00

Opening Hours
Monday-Thursday 08.30-16:30, Summertime 08:30-15:45
Friday 8.30-16.00, Summertime 08:30-15:30
Lunch break 11.30-12.30

Employers can send a negotiation request to the contact form stated above.

Support and Guidance

Our advisors offer support and guidance in all employment-related enquiries. Among others, we cover the following questions: 

  • salary
  • employment conditions
  • vacation
  • notice period
  • work environment
  • parental leave
  • collective bargaining agreement
  • intellectual property rights 

Legal support

Our skilled labour law specialists can help you solve indifferences between you and your employer through negotiations, including matters such as employment conditions, your right to compensation for an invention or wrongful dismissal. You are entitled to legal support if you have been a member of Engineers of Sweden for at least three months. 

If your case cannot be settled through negotiations with your employer, our lawyers can represent you all the way to the highest court of justice. Please note that legal assistance is subject to eligibility.  

Legal Assistance

Legal assistance can be granted to the union’s members in order to represent them in legal courts, in arbitration panels and against public authoritiesLegal assistance is granted based on the principle of equal treatment. The prospect of a successful outcome of a case in court will improve the chances of eligibility for legal assistance.

Our legal assistance covers the following areas

  • labour disputes. You can only be eligible for legal assistance if Engineers of Sweden has tried to solve the dispute between you and your employer through negotiations.
  • salary disputes and wage guarantee.
  • appeal of decisions regarding occupational injury compensation and unemployment benefit. 
  • defence counsel in criminal matters if the suspected criminal offence has been committed by virtue of a professional activity. An additional prerequisite is that you are not entitled to a court-appointed lawyer. 

Costs and waiting period 

The granted right to legal assistance means that Engineers of Sweden pays your legal fees if we represent you in court. Above, we cover the costs of the opposing party if you lose the case. The legal assistance does not cover any damages the court orders you pay. Above, legal assistance does not encompass costs for arbitration procedure based on an agreement between a member and an employer. Legal assistance does only apply to cases brought forward in Swedish courts, Swedish arbitration panels and against Swedish public authorities.   

Members are not entitled to individual legal support related to disputes which started within three months after the date of joining the trade union. The same waiting period applies for the right to individual legal assistance. 

Senast uppdaterad 2024-09-17
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