Sveriges Ingenjörer

Interview practice

Have you wondered about the questions that are usually asked during an employment interview? And the questions you yourself should ask? Now, working or final-year student members can book a free interview training session.

Interview training in collaboration with Qrios

Being prepared for a job interview is absolutely essential. You must stand out from the other applicants, have the answers to the tough questions and, above all, feel secure and confident in the actual situation. Good reasons to practice being interviewed via a simulated job interview.

Members of the Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers receive a free interview training session. Choose either general interview training or interview training in preparation for a specific, scheduled job interview. Our interview training sessions are held online or by telephone. This benefit is provided in collaboration with Qrios using recruiters who have either an engineering or a technical background.

During the interview training, a competency-based interview technique is used including questions that are likely to appear in possible job interviews. You will be given the opportunity to reflect on your answers, practice answering difficult questions and hopefully begin to feel more confident in the interview situation.

Our best tips for job interviews

  • Be sure to read up on the company and ask relevant questions.
  • Read the job profile in the advertisement carefully and check if the requirements apply to you. What do they mean to you and do you fulfill them?
  • Prepare yourself by thinking about the most important reasons that you think you are the right person for the job.
  • Listen to the questions asked. It may sound obvious, but make sure you really understand the issue and ask for clarification if you do not.
  • Open yourself up, but be professional and leave the overly personal details outside.

Questions about membership benefits?

If you have any questions about any of the membership benefits, please feel free to contact us via our contact form.

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Senast uppdaterad 2025-03-22
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