Is your salary at the right level? See a selection of the latest salary statistics.
You contribute to Sweden's growth and welfare and for that you should be paid well. Engineers of Sweden works to make your employer understand the value of your contribution so that you earn the salary you deserve.
Do you want to see all of our salary statistics?
As a member, you get access to our unique salary statistics in Saco Lönesök. With data from over 84 000 engineer salaries, it is an important basis for your salary negotiation.
Salary statistics for members
Members of Engineers of Sweden have access to Saco Salary Statistic (Saco Lönesök), Sweden's best salary statistics for engineers.
The statistics show salaries for different age groups, degree years, educations and labor market sectors.
The statistics are based on Engineers of Sweden's annual salary survey. The statistics are available only in Swedish.
Our skilled labour law specialists can help you solve indifferences between you and your employer through negotiations, including matters such as employment conditions, your right to compensation for an invention or wrongful dismissal.