Sveriges Ingenjörer

Säkra badrum för alla och Levipriset 2025

Välkommen till ett spännande webbinarium med 2024 års Levipristagare Catherine Trask, som kommer presentera hur man kan utforma badrum på ett sätt som är säkrare för vårdgivare, äldre och användare med funktionshinder. Under webbinariet presenteras även 2025 års pristagare av Levipriset. 

Datum: 23 maj 2025
Tid: 12:00 - 13:00
Passar för: Medlem, Icke-medlem
Anmäl senast: 23 maj

The population is rapidly aging, and increasingly people are aging-in-place and living in the community rather than moving to a nursing home. Those that need assistance with activities of daily living are more often getting homecare, where personal care assistants visit them at home to assist. The home bathroom is the site of the most physically and emotionally demanding tasks for home caregivers, with correspondingly high rates of injury for both caregivers and users.

This presentation with Catherine Trask presents the challenges of homecare in the bathroom through the work systems lens of Human-Technology-Organization. Findings from recent research projects will be presented to illustrate how different perspectives can be used to evaluate the functionality of a bathroom. Future opportunities will also be discussed, in terms of possible paths forward towards a sustainable homecare workforce and a society where elderly individuals can safely age in place within their own communities.

Catherine Trask var 2024 års Levipristagare. Priset delas ut av Sveriges Ingenjörer för att uppmärksamma ingenjörernas roll för utvecklingen av en god arbetsmiljö. Efter Catherines presentation kommer 2025 års pristagare att presenteras av Sveriges Ingenjörers förbundsordförande Ulrika Lindstrand. 

Webbinariet kommer att delvis hållas på svenska, Catherines presentation kommer att hållas på engelska. 

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Catherine Trask

Associate Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Catherine Trask is an Associate Professor in the Division of Ergonomics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, where she is also the Director of the Masters Program in Technology, Work, and Health. Previously she was a Professor at the University of Saskatchewan’s Department of Medicine where she held a Canada Research Chair in Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Health. She applies her professional training in occupational hygiene and movement science to research projects in occupational exposure assessment, injury epidemiology, and intervention evaluation. Current research interests include the health effects of workplace discrimination, and adapting interventions to make ergonomics 'best practices' accessible to vulnerable or marginalized groups.

Ulrika Lindstrand

Förbundsordförande, Sveriges Ingenjörer

Förbundsordförande för Sveriges Ingenjörer, med bred förankring i samhällsfrågor kring bland annat innovation och teknikutveckling, utbildning och kompetens samt arbetsliv. 

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