Sveriges Ingenjörer

Be a union representative at your workplace

Whatever your reason for visiting this page, we believe you would be interested in finding out more about how you, or you and your colleagues, can be actively involved in trade union activities at your workplace and what it involves.

As an elected union representative, you know what is happening at your workplace and can influence the decisions of your employer. You know what your colleagues need in order to be productive and to feel happy and fulfilled in their work. You can make a difference for your colleagues and be a sounding board for your employer.

Who can be a union representative?

The simple answer is that anyone who is a member of a trade union can be elected as a representative. All you need is commitment and enthusiasm. Your union will provide high quality training and support. You will acquire and develop knowledge, competence and experience along the way. So you, your colleague or both of you together can be elected as union representatives. And most importantly: you are needed!

Benefits of being a union representative

Being an elected union representative gives you:

  • knowledge and skills in negotiation techniques, labour law, contract law and HR matters
  • valuable experience, personal development and a broader network
  • appreciation from colleagues who receive both support and better conditions at work, thanks to your work and engagement.

How can I get involved in union activities?

For you or your colleagues to be union representatives, your workplace must have a collective agreement and a local trade union association. If these are not in place, that does not necessarily mean the end for your involvement or the opportunity to participate in union activities at work.

Several ways to get started

  • Become an elected representative
    If there is a local union association at your workplace, you can contact the current representatives directly and express your interest. In order to become a union representative, you need to be proposed and elected by your fellow members at an annual general meeting of the association. You can find the contact details of elected representatives in the members’ area of the Engineers of Sweden website.
  • Start a local association at your workplace
    Does your workplace have a collective agreement but no local union association? See here for information on how to set up a local association (in Swedish).
  • Become a contact person
    If there is no local association at your workplace, a contact person can be appointed by Engineers of Sweden. A contact person is often the first step towards forming a local association and appointing elected representatives. Contact us for more details.
  • Work to put a collective agreement in place
    If there is no collective agreement at your workplace, one needs to be signed first. We want to have a collective agreement (in Swedish).
  • Be a health and safety representative
    Whether there is a collective agreement in place or not, workplaces with more than five employees must have a health and safety representative to represent employees in matters relating to the work environment. How to become a health and safety representative (in Swedish).

Have an impact at your workplace

In our short film ”Influence your workplace”, elected representatives talk about why they have chosen to get involved in the work of the union.

Contact us

Are you unsure about where you can or should turn for help? Get in touch with us and we will be happy to provide support and advice. 

You can also contact us at or on 08-6138000.

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